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Our focus at Seven Rivers has been to grow a small selection special and unusual plants that aren't commonly available.  


We are also in love with Clivia due to its showy and varied blooms and elegant foliage which will beautify and provide color to the shady areas of the garden.  Here to we are able to provide to the enthusiast what isn't commonly available due to our selective cross pollination over the years

Seven Rivers Plant Nursery Stellenbosch Clivias Clivia Plants
Be careful not to be hooked by the craze of Clivia breeding!
Our selections are the result of  years and years of selection and hand pollinating.  We sell our most special specimens at Clivia shows frequented by other Clivia crazy enthusiasts (Single plants have been sold for in excess of R10,000 at these shows!)
We have in excess of 30,000 plants making us probably the biggest Clivia supplier in the Western Cape.   Keep an eye on our website for Clivia specials or contact us directly for more information.
Seven Rivers Plant Nursery Stellenbosch Clivias Clivia Plants


Seven Rivers Plant Nursery Stellenbosch Clivias Clivia Plants

Interspecific Clivia are the result of cross pollinisation of Clivia species Typically could be crosses between two of the following: Nobilis, Gardenii,Caulescens, Robusta and Miniata.  They are characterised by tubular shaped flowers and on our farm they  start flowering at least a month earlier than the Miniata.  (In Banhoek they provide color from early August)


Take a look at the Clivia Gallery for more photographs of some of our interspecific selections.

Seven Rivers Plant Nursery Stellenbosch Clivias Clivia Plants
Miniata var Citrina

Clivia Miniata are indiginous to South Africa and are found growing in evergreen forests from Morgans Bay in the Eastern Cape, all the way up to Northern Kwazulu Natal.


Clivias are now popular around the world with breeders spanning the globe from Japan to the US.


Our selections include Pastal, Orange, Red-Orange and the Belgium Hybrid with the beautiful broad leaves.

Clivia Miniata var. Citrina or the Yellow Clivias were discovered much later and untill recently were only available to enthusiasts in very small quantaties and at high prices.


Our plants are the result of more than 20 years of growing on from seed.


We have cross-pollinated for colour (Deep yellow and yellow/white)  - as well as for flower shape etc.

Seven Rivers Plant Plants Nursery Stellenbosch, Clivias Clivia

Seven Rivers Plant Nursery Stellenbosch Clivias

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